Strickland Campaign Statement Ted's Debate Victory

Press Release

Date: Oct. 14, 2016

Following Ted Strickland's victory in today's Ohio Senate campaign debate, Strickland for Senate campaign manager Rebecca Pearcey released the following statement:

"Ted won a decisive debate victory today, and every voter in Ohio saw Senator Portman for who he really is: a spineless lapdog who is only ever looking out for himself and the rich and powerful interests who are bankrolling his campaign. Senator Portman has an unabashed, decades long record of championing job killing trade deals that have devastated the Mahoning Valley, he's sold out seniors, students and working people at every turn --and at this debate Portman failed to defend his record. Ted showed why he's the only candidate in the race who will stand up for Ohioans who actually work for a living -- that's where he comes from, that's who he cares about and that's who he'll always put first in the Senate."
